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Mapping system


Livox VLP32c VLP16 All

Time synchronization

Dataset is time synchronized using hardware synchronization. It is using artificial, generated PPS signal and custom acquisition software solution that allows to synchronization of incoming data streams effectively. Since this software solution is extremely hardware specific and requires custom-developed hardware, we decided to do not to release it with the dataset. Feel free to contact us to get tips and recommendations for recreating such or a similar system. Every point has an individual timestamp, synchronization precision is 1-2 milliseconds.

Data acqusitiondistribution. You can use a newer version of ROS1 to work.

Dataset description


Note that used point type is PointXYZIRT, the header for PCL library can be found here.

Data from AHRS IMU. ROS timestamp in header (also in ‘\tf’ topic) is synchronized to rest of the system.

Sadly, there is no data recorder from IMU in Livox TELE-15

Quick start with data

Files can be visualized using RViz, we provide custom, updated calibration to overide deafult one from rosbag.

Sample of usage: In first terminal start roscore

rosparam set use_sim_time true

In second terminal start broadcasting new calibration and play bags files:

python mine-mapping-dataset/visualization/ &
rosbag play day1/mine_mapping_trajectory.bag day1/mine_mapping_0**.bag --clock -s 200 tf_static:=old_tf_static

In the third terminal open rviz:

rviz -d mine-mapping-dataset/visualization/config.rviz

Expected results:


Youtube video

Ground truth data

The environment was mapped with FARO Focus 3D and scans were assembled using geodetic targets. The data is available here: The location of scans and targets is shown here.

The ground truth data is georeferenced in PL2000 coordinate system.

The files avialable in groundtruth dataset:

target X Y Z
TS-1 -86345.352 22671.020 249.098
TS-2 -86346.390 22672.932 249.391
TS-3 -86347.665 22669.905 249.503
TS-4 -86347.457 22671.858 248.701
T1-1 -86347.239 22668.482 196.697
T1-2 -86347.484 22671.017 196.918
T4-1 -86346.082 22672.304 75.892
T4-2 -86345.222 22673.541 74.974
T6-1 -86345.387 22673.960 8.564
T6-2 -86344.347 22674.161 8.564
T8-1 -86345.550 22678.609 -41.371
T8-2 -86343.015 22680.587 -41.152
T8-4 -86347.258 22671.981 -40.004
T8-5 -86347.847 22670.668 -38.436
T8-6 -86346.088 22669.629 -38.438


Current links to download rosbags from mobile system are avaialable here: The georeferenced ground truth is available here: Google Drive
